My Story

Through the crucible of brokenness a few years ago, a choice became apparent as I questioned why GOD allowed an awful thing to happen to me. My choices were turn further away from GOD, or turn toward GOD and then try to draw near and learn from the pain.

I chose GOD because I had nothing else left, and I had turned away before, sometimes in anger, and other times in disappointment. In the  process of searching  for answers and trying to find relief from the pain, I discovered GOD also exists outside the boundaries of formal Christian religion. 

During the next several years while living alone, I explored the depths of GOD as revealed in His Word and discovered how deep (fathomless actually) is His love for us and how this love is expressed in and through and by Jesus. There is not enough space here to tell of just how much tenderness and mercy and love for us is contained in the Heart of Jesus.

This very Son of GOD surpassed all my expectations and gave me more in the way of healing and restoration than I ever hoped for. And, the pain eventually passed.

Since my restoration from the fallout of divorce (I still struggle with PTSD, anxiety and depression), GOD blessed me with a desire to serve others who are on the path of brokenness and pain. By offering hope and encouragement as means of surviving the deep wounds left by suffering, whatever the cause, the core message of this site is based in Biblical promises the Son of God gave during His time on earth.

In the Bible there is promised healing for those of us who have been struck down, a sword thrust through our souls.

More About Me

I am a follower of Jesus, who I believe is the Son of GOD.  I am a Christian by Biblical definition, not the world’s definition.  But Christian life hardly begins or ends there with the label.  For much of my life, I was a skeptic when it came to religion, and still do not like the bias associated with being thought of as ‘religious.’  I never wanted to be religious – I only wanted the truth.  And, as only a skeptic can, I went looking.

I eventually came to believe in the Christian faith as described in the Bible and not necessarily as explained by some christian institutions today.  I am Pauline in doctrine. 

I am not a professional at any of this, when writing about GOD.  I’m just one of many who have experienced some bad things along the way, things too difficult to easily explain.  And, I offer my experiences as a basis for hope to you who are caught in the vortices of hell on earth.  Anywhere you look, you will see us.  We have the pain haunted eyes.  If you’re one of us, and it feels like there is no way out, please give it more time. Stay in touch here. If you live with someone suffering depression, encourage them to find help, whether medical or counseling. Some mental/emotional illnesses require professional intervention.

About the mind and emotions – the two are related, you know; the complexities of which cause many to doubt change for good is possible.  All I can tell you is change is possible, though it takes time and effort. I know how it feels when in the grip of hopelessness. Especially when thinking about finding relief from intense mental, emotional pain will take time. But, listen to this carefully: time is going to pass whether we work to change or not. It’s better by far to end up resolving issues rather than living in endless torment.

For those of you thinking about suicide as the only way out. Please don’t think on it. Your thoughts will lead to action. I know. Instead, call someone, even 911, for help. As a police officer for 21 years I responded to many such calls. Every one of you on the verge of taking your life is able to get through the pain. The pain won’t kill you actually. And listen, taking it a day at a time doesn’t always work. When the pain is truly unbearable, then take one minute at a time. I had to do this for a couple of years. By focusing on the present moment only and not looking into the future, or looking back with perfect hindsight, I made it through. You can too, no matter how bad it feels in this moment.    

Where does psychology fit into this?  I love psychology and have benefited from it; even though its application is abused at times by misguided practitioners, as are some teachings of Scripture at times, by certain religionists.

On a positive note, it is written in the Bible we can become adopted by GOD.  Actually become His child – with privileges as family. Not family like here in this life, but better, perfect as it concerns God, at least.

But, what of the suffering in all this opposing existence we call life?  

Does a GOD who is supposed to be good allow this suffering, this pain, the anguish?  Even for those He claims as His own kin?  Really?

And, what about Jesus?  The Christian faith proclaims He rose from the dead.  Where does that fit in – and what can it matter for us today?

There are many more subjects to explore. Besides guidance, another crucial thing I look for is in Scripture is encouragement and the rest it offers. This is found from the different truths revealed by a sincere look into Biblical teachings.

If I can answer any questions, please contact me.